While Hell Yeah! Is my favorite Arkedo game so far, it’s not perfect. Interludes where you man a turret, submarine, and spaceship add even more variety. From time to time Ash needs to hoof it on foot again, mixing things up nicely. He can also fire a variety of guns with the right stick, though right-stick aiming doesn’t mix great with pressing A to jump. His chief tool is a buzz saw-like wheel that he can use to drill through rocks, roll up walls a bit, and attack weaker enemies. Still, they’re quite funny and keep things fresh.Īsh starts the game on foot and with no weapons to defend himself, but before long he’ll start to build an arsenal.
There must be over 30 different microgames, several of which repeat as the game goes on.
Succeed and you’ll kill off the monster in a cartoonish and bloody (but not gory) finishing move, often accompanied by references to other games like Mortal Kombat and Chu Chu Rocket. These Wario Ware-like activities will have you rapping scrolling buttons to play guitar, dodging obstacles in a truck, mashing buttons to lift weights, and lots more.